About Me

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shyla|20|okc/ moore|single|friends|music|photography|me+you
James Owen Sullivan means the world to me.
body modification=<3
I have 4 tattoos.
I have 5 piercings, but I've had a total of around 9.
I truly don't care what others think of me.
I'll still be me when I wake up in the morning.
I'll be your best friend if you'll let me.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Life at the Brand Senior Center...

Hey everyone.

I just wanted to show off my favorite view at my work. This is the billiards area. Home to my favorite people. Now, you see that guy in the red? That's Jimmy. He's slick. I love him to death. He was for sure a charmer in his prime. He's still a charmer. You can't see him, but my newest friend is Dale. He was on the far right. Dale is a jolly guy, who has a keen fashion sense... He likes to wear a tee shirt with lounge shorts, penny loafers and shin-high white socks. I love it.

Dale told a story today that I'd like to share.

He said that once, "in the hippie times, ya see", that he and his wife went camping. While they were camping, she was scared that some hippies would come along and rob them or just plain attack them. [Yes, I'm serious.] So they were just on the ground in their sleeping bags, and his wife was scared to pieces. She said, "Well what are you going to do to protect me from those hippies?" He put his hatchet next to his sleeping bag and figured that'd be the end of it. But then, his wife became frightened of something else. She said, "But Dale, you know I have nightmares sometimes. What if I wake up hollerin' and you get me with that?!" He simply replied, "If you don't let me get to sleep... I will."

Bahaha. I love story time with the seniors. <3 :]

Well, it's almost bed time; I must update my story so that I don't get gutted.
Love love love.

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