About Me

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shyla|20|okc/ moore|single|friends|music|photography|me+you
James Owen Sullivan means the world to me.
body modification=<3
I have 4 tattoos.
I have 5 piercings, but I've had a total of around 9.
I truly don't care what others think of me.
I'll still be me when I wake up in the morning.
I'll be your best friend if you'll let me.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Clifford. You were just at my apartment last night. I know you're reading this right now, or just know what I'm saying. I'm sure of it.

I can't believe you did this. I'm fucking pissed at you. Fucking Jew. I love you so much, you're like my brother. You were the best thing that happened to my boys; to my sister. You were her world, whether or not she showed it. You were so amazing. Just wake up. Please. Wake up and tell everyone you were joking. This is just a bad Jew joke.

I remember the first time I understood that I was a part of the family. You made it clear. I'm sad I only told you I loved you one time. If I could go back, I would've told you again. All the time. But I can't and you aren't coming back. I want you to come to our dreams, yeah? Call me a leprechaun. Just once more. I'm begging you. Let me say goodbye. Let me tell you how much you changed us, and helped us. I love you, Cliff. We all love you.

I'll tell Phoenix all the best things, Cliff. I'll tell him about the last time I saw you, and how you squeezed him tight and said, "Hey, big guy. I missed you."

Hey, big Jew. I'll miss you.


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