About Me

My photo
shyla|20|okc/ moore|single|friends|music|photography|me+you
James Owen Sullivan means the world to me.
body modification=<3
I have 4 tattoos.
I have 5 piercings, but I've had a total of around 9.
I truly don't care what others think of me.
I'll still be me when I wake up in the morning.
I'll be your best friend if you'll let me.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Why are a good portion of my pictures Mysti, you ask? Well because I miss her and my life isn't interesting without her. The reason for this picture, is because she will be back to square... this. Soon.

I'm in my Tro's room. It smells like a man. Not a foul sweaty man; a real, clean, hardworking, leather boot wearing, satin sheet sleeping, cologne using, full-flavor smoking man. Mysti just got a chub over that description. [It poked my leg. All the way from California.]

How is it out there, my friend? Is it beautiful? Is it man-filled? Is it everything we want and more? I hope it is. I hope you're having a wonderful time. Tell your mom happy birthday for me when the time comes.

1 comment:

  1. it was a big one too.

    i was a little surprised at myself, honestly.
    i didn't know it could get that intense.

    but...it did.
