About Me

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shyla|20|okc/ moore|single|friends|music|photography|me+you
James Owen Sullivan means the world to me.
body modification=<3
I have 4 tattoos.
I have 5 piercings, but I've had a total of around 9.
I truly don't care what others think of me.
I'll still be me when I wake up in the morning.
I'll be your best friend if you'll let me.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

7 Deadly Sins...

At Tina's.
Today is the first day of the Deadly Sins shoot.
Idk yet how it will go.

Wrath: Mary
Sloth: Mysti
Envy: Tashajavascript:void(0)
Greed: Mason
Gluttony: Jarod
Vanity: Mikal
Lust: Christina

I've got a million ideas swirling in my head.
I hope they jump out of my head and onto the ground; in front of the camera, of course.
Skeet skeet.

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